BHU OPD Online Registration, Appointment Booking Link, Timing & Schedule @ -There are many medical schools and hospitals in Banaras, one of them is BHU. The full name of BHU in Banaras Hindu University, by which the process of BHU OPD Online Registration has been started recently. Online registration and appointment can be done by all the citizens of the country who want to consult a doctor in BHU. The outpatient appointment process in this hospital has now been made online, in today’s article we are going to provide you all the important information related to BHU OPD Registration.
BHU OPD Online Registration
BHU is one of the medical schools and hospitals in the state of Banaras, its full name is also Banaras Hindu University, BHU has recently started the process of BHU OPD Online Registration. BHU has started the process of online registration to save time and resources to visit the doctor, when any person goes to the hospital, the first thing he needs is the OPD. BHU OPD Registration can be done by all the citizens who want to consult the doctors of BHU Hospital. BHU is one of the hospitals in the country through which online OPD arrangements are made available.

Overview of BHU OPD Online Registration
Article Name | BHU OPD Online Registration |
Launched By | by Banaras Hindu University |
Year | 2024 |
Beneficiaries | citizens of the country |
Application Procedure | Online |
Objective | Providing online registration facility to consult doctor in BHU |
Benefits | Online registration facility will be provided to consult a doctor in BHU |
Category | Uttar Pradesh Government Schemes |
Official Website | |
Procedure To Do BHU OPD Registration
All those citizens who want to do BHU OPD Online Registration can do online registration by following the following procedure: –
- First of all, you have to go to the official website of BHU OPD Registration, after that the homepage of the website will open in front of you.

- On the homepage of the website, you have to click on the option of View Services, in this you have to choose Public OPD booking and Student/Employee OPD booking.
- After that you have to select the relevant option, after that the next page will open in front of you.
- Now two options like- “Select Category” and “Select Department” will be displayed in front of you, then, in the department section, select the appropriate department from the many departments.
- Then select the item from the drop-down menu and then click on “Check”, after that all the open slots will be displayed on the right side of the page.

Procedure to Book BHU OPD Online Appointment
- First of all, you have to go to the official website of BHU OPD Registration, after that the homepage of the website will open in front of you.
- On the homepage of the website, you have to click on the option of View Services, in this you have to choose Public OPD booking and Student/Employee OPD booking.
- After that you have to select the relevant option, after that the next page will open in front of you.
- Now two options like- “Select Category” and “Select Department” will be displayed in front of you, then, in the department section, select the appropriate department from the many departments.
- After that you have to choose the date and time of the appointment, which you need, after that you have to click on the option to continue.
- Now you will see a registration form on the page which asks you to enter the patient information, in this you have to fill the registration form with the patient information.
- Then you have to click on the option of next, on your screen, a payment link will be open where they requested to pay an appointment fee.
- After that you have to pay the fees, then save the appointment receipt for your records. This form can also be printed.
- Under this if after making the payment you are not able to download the appointment receipt immediately. Another way to check is given below.
- In this you have to go to the BHU OPD Online Registration Service page, after that you have to click on the option of Print Appointment.
- Now you have to enter the patient’s email address and phone number, and then click on the print appointment option.
Procedure to Download BHU OPD Registration App
- First of all you have to go to Google Play Store here you have to search BHU OPD Online Registration App in the search bar.
- After this, many options will be displayed in front of you on the next page, you have to choose the right app and click on it.
- Now you have to click on the option of Install, after that you have to repeat the above mentioned registration process to schedule an appointment.
- Then you can easily schedule your appointment through the app, by following this process you can download the BHU OPD Online Registration app.
Contact Details
BHU OPD Online Registration Question Number- +(91)7233023624
Helpline Number- 0542-2309279
OPD Registration Helpline Number- 8381942407, 8381942406, 0542-2309300
Address- Agra, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh 221005