On September 24, CM Stalin started the Green Tamil Nadu Mission in the State with the Lofty Goal of Planting 265 Billion Seedlings – Green Tamil Nadu Mission 2024 has been started by Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin to protect the environment in the state. The scheme has been launched with a target of planting 265 billion saplings of native trees in ten years in an area of about 13,500 square kilometers. The announcement to start this scheme has been made by the state government in Arignar Anna Zoological Park, in today’s article we are going to provide you all the important information related to TN Green Tamil Nadu Mission. [Also Read- TN Labour Online Registration: Application Form at labour.tn.gov.in]
Tamil Nadu Green Tamil Nadu Mission 2024
Green Tamil Nadu Mission 2024 has been launched by Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin to protect the environment in the state. Everyone from the center to the state government is worried about the problem of the changing climate of the country, continuous efforts are being made by them to solve this problem. On September 25, MK Stalin encouraged the public to join government efforts to expand forest cover and preserve biodiversity in a passionate appeal to tackle climate change as a group for future generations.[Read More]
Overview of Green Tamil Nadu Mission
Scheme Name | Green Tamil Nadu Mission |
Launched By | Tamil Nadu State Government |
Year | 2024 |
Beneficiaries | Citizens of Tamil Nadu State |
Application Procedure | Online |
Objective | Save the environment |
Benefits | The environment will be saved |
Category | Tamil Nadu Government Schemes |
Official Website | www.greentnmission.com |
Objectives of Tamil Nadu Green Tamil Nadu Mission
The main objective of Green Tamil Nadu Mission is to save the environment of the state, with the introduction of this scheme in the state, the green cover in the state is expected to increase from 23.7% to 33% during the next 10 years. Apart from this, the process of buying saplings online through the official website will also be possible through TN Green Tamil Nadu Mission. With the introduction of this scheme in the state, the environment will be safe and the air of the state will also be pure. [Also Read- Tamil Nadu Voter List: TN Voter List, Search Name In New Electoral Roll PDF]
Benefits and Important Points of Green Tamil Nadu Mission
- The ten-year tree plantation effort through the Green Tamil Nadu Mission 2024 initiated by the Government of Tamil Nadu will be undertaken with the help of various enterprises, private organizations and the public.
- 2.80 billion saplings were donated during the launch of this scheme by private donations and private nurseries.
- Through this scheme, in the coming 10 years, 12,000 sq km is expected to be covered for native species.
- Additionally, the state government has also stated that a remote sensing and geospatial-based decentralized monitoring system will be set up by them for geo-tagging all planted saplings to track their progress in real time.
- A green committee will also be formed through this scheme in all the districts of the state, as the public organization can also participate under this scheme.
- Information related to the annual activity plan and land details in the state will be provided to the collector by the public organization.
- The state government has provided Rs 21 crore for 47 lakh saplings and Rs 17.80 crore for 130 lakh saplings for the operation of TN Green Tamil Nadu Mission in the financial year.
- Electronic vehicles for forest workers have been provided by the government for the purpose of the program, they will help in increasing the forest area.
- A portal has also been launched under this scheme started by the state government, all interested users can register themselves under the portal.
Eligibility for Tamil Nadu Green Tamil Nadu Mission
- Citizens who want to get the benefits of this scheme should be the native of Tamil Nadu state.
- The applicant should be an adult of the state only then he will be able to apply under this scheme.
- All the interested citizens of the state should register on the official website.
Documents Required for Green Tamil Nadu Mission
- Mobile number
- Email id
- Id card etc
Apply as a Public User under TN Green Tamil Nadu Mission
All those citizens who want to apply under TN Green Tamil Nadu Mission, all those citizens can apply under this scheme by following this procedure:-
- First of all you have to go to the official website of Green Tamil Nadu Mission 2024, after that the homepage of the website will open in front of you.
- On the homepage of the website, you have to click on the option of plant a tree, after that the next page will open in front of you.
- Here you have to click on the continue option in the “My Plants” section, after that a new page will be displayed in front of you.
- There you will be asked to sign up and click on that option, after that the next page named Public User Registration will open in front of you.
- Now you have to enter the details of the information asked like name, email, mobile and address etc., then after filling all the information asked, you have to click on the option of register.
- By following this process you will be successfully registered as a public user.
Apply as Green Tamil Nadu Mission Industry/Trust/Private
- First of all you have to go to the official website of Green Tamil Nadu Mission 2024, after that the homepage of the website will open in front of you.
- On the homepage of the website, you have to click on the option of login, after that the next page will open in front of you.
- On this page, you have to click on Register under Industry, NGO, Trust, section, after that the next page will open in front of you.
- Enter the organization details asked, and you need to select any one from the drop-down menu Trust/NGO/Public/Private etc.
- After this you have to enter other asked details like address and contact details, now you have to click on the option of register.
Procedure to Login under TN Green Tamil Nadu Mission
- First of all you have to go to the official website of Green Tamil Nadu Mission 2024, after that the homepage of the website will open in front of you.
- On the homepage of the website, you have to click on the option of login, after that the next page will open in front of you.
- On this page you have to click on the login button on any section, if you are a public user then find that section and click on the login button.
- Now the login form will be displayed in front of you, in this form you have to enter your mobile number and password.
- After this you have to click on the option of login, by following this process you can easily login under this scheme.
Contact Information
Dear readers, we have tried to provide you with all the important information related to Tamil Nadu Green Tamil Nadu Mission through this article. On the contrary, if you want to get any other kind of information related to this scheme, then you can get a solution to your problem by contacting the helpline number provided for this scheme.
- Contact Number: 1800 599 7634