SHRESHTA Scheme Online Registration | NETS SHRESHTA Scheme 2024 Application Status | SHRESHTA Scheme Application Form – The government of every country keeps on making many schemes and facilities for its people to empower its country. Due to which common citizens get a lot of ease in living. A similar facility has been started by the Government of India for all the children across the country, whose SHRESHTA Scheme has been kept. Through this facility, all the children who are unable to do their studies properly due to financial constraints or give incomplete shod due to any reason, will get a lot of help. In this article, all the information related to SHRESHTA Scheme 2024 has been provided such as purpose, benefits, features, application process, documents, application eligibility etc. [Also Read- Portal: CEIR Portal Registration Find Block Stolen Lost Mobile]
Only those children will be able to take advantage of this commendable SHRESHTA Scheme issued by the government, who are very promising but are unable to complete their studies due to being financially weak. Keeping this in mind, the Government of India has taken this step, so that the children of class IX to class XI can get high-level education and can do further studies easily without any fee. For which the government has provided an opportunity to the children through this SHRESHTA Scheme 2024, in which students can register themselves by visiting the official website i.e. The government has started inviting applications for the SHRESHTA Scheme i.e. NETS. All interested students of classes 9 to 11 can participate or apply for residential education scheme for students of higher classes in the targeted areas.[Also Read- ESIC Online Payment: e-Challan Payment Generation, Login & Print Receipt]

Overview of SHRESHTA Scheme
Name Of Scheme | Shreshta Scheme |
Launched By | Government Of India |
Year | In 2024 |
Beneficiaries | Scheduled Caste Students |
Application Procedure | Online |
Objective | Helping Bright Students In Studies |
Benefits | Help In Higher Education |
Category | Central Government Scheme |
Official Website | shreshta.nta.nic.In. |
Objective of SHRESHTA Scheme 2024
The main objective of the government of the country with the SHRESHTA Scheme is that the students of the country can develop in the future and their future can become bright. Keeping this in mind, Justice and Empowerment Minister Virendra Kumar said on Thursday that the residential education scheme for students in high schools in the targeted areas will help the meritorious SC students to have a better future and in controlling the dropout rate of students of classes 9 to 12. And he also said that SHRESHTA Scheme 2024 will enable bright SC students to make a better future by getting high quality education and will help in controlling the dropout rate of SC students of class 9th to 12th.[Also Read- E Sanjeevani OPD: Patient Registration, Mobile App]
Instructions Regarding SHRESHTA Scheme
Under this scheme, the entrance examination conducted to shortlist the students consists of one paper, in which there are four sections:- Mathematics, Science, Social Science and General Awareness.
- Under this scheme, this examination will be organized for admission in the best private residential school of the country under residential education for the students of class 10th in the targeted areas.
- The question paper of the entrance examination to be held under this scheme of the central government will be based on the NCERT syllabus of class 8th for admission in class 9th and syllabus of class 10th for admission in class 11th.
- Under this scheme, only such students will be considered eligible, who have passed or appeared for taking admission in class 8th or 10th, 9th or 11th class in the academic session 2021-22.
- The question paper of the entrance examination to be held under this scheme of the central government will be conducted in both Hindi and English mode.
Note:- Candidates will be allotted 4 marks for each correct answer and no mark will be deducted for wrong or unanswered questions.
Benefits & Features of SHRESHTA Scheme
- This SHRESHTA Scheme is to be implemented by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment.
- The objective of this scheme is to target the meritorious students of Scheduled Castes and it will also help in controlling the drop out of students from class 9 to 12.
- This commendable scheme will provide high quality residential school education to all the promising students.
- NITI Aayog has recognized prestigious non-public residential facilities in aspirational districts to implement the scheme.
- The Government of India has estimated that Rs 300 crore will be required for the implementation of this SHRESHTA Scheme 2024.
- More than 24,800 students are expected to be helped in the coming five years through this scheme.
- All eligible students who are promising but financially weak can apply for this scheme and take benefits.
- This facility will cover all eligible scholarship school fees and hostel fees.
- Only economically weaker and scheduled caste students will be able to apply under this scheme.
- To take advantage of this scheme conducted by the government, students have to take an entrance test which is known as NETS or National Entrance Test for Shrestha.
- Through this SHRESHTA Scheme 2024, the government is going to pay school and hostel fees. With the implementation of this scheme, the literacy rate of the country will improve.
- Apart from this, students will not need to depend on anyone for their education expenses, as the government will bear their educational expenses.
SHRESHTA Scheme 2024 Admit Card
- Candidates applying under this scheme will be issued a provisional admit card through the NTA website.
- Under this scheme of the central government, it will be mandatory for the beneficiary applicant to download this admit card.
- If the applicant aspirant is not able to download the admit card from the official website of this scheme then they should contact on helpline number 011407590000 between 10 AM to 5 PM.
- Under this scheme, the beneficiary candidates will not be allowed to appear in the examination center other than the one allotted in their admit card.
- Under this scheme, all the candidates have to read and follow the guidelines given on the admit card carefully.
- If any discrepancy is found in the admit card of the candidate with their details or confirmation page and their photograph and signature, the candidate can immediately contact the NTA helpline.
- It will be mandatory for the candidates to use the original admit card only, no duplicate admit card will be issued to them at the examination center.
- Under this scheme of the Central Government, the candidates will not be allowed to make any changes in their admit card.
- It will be mandatory for the beneficiary candidates to keep their admit card safe in good condition for future reference.
- Issuance of admit card of candidates under SHRESHTA Scheme will not mean acceptance of eligibility, eligibility of candidates will be checked at later stages of admission process.
Eligibility Criteria for Students
- To take advantage of this commendable scheme, the applicant must be a permanent resident of India.
- The student should belong to the scheduled category only then he will be considered eligible for this beneficial scheme.
- To apply under the scheme, the applicant will have to pass the national entrance examination, only then he will be eligible.
- All the documents which are required under this scheme must be original.
Eligibility Criteria for Schools
- The school should be a residential school affiliated to CBSE and recognized by the Govt.
- The school should be up to class 12th only then he will be considered eligible.
- Under this scheme the school should be in operation for at least 5 years.
- More than 75% students must have passed class 10th and 12th board exam in almost last 5 years in school history.
Required Documents
- Aadhar Card Of The Applicant
- Domicile Accommodation Certificate
- Caste Certificate Of The Applicant
- Family Income Certificate
- Ration Magazine
- Applicant’s Birth Certificate
- Passport Size Photograph
- Mobile Number
- Email Id
Procedure to Apply for SHRESHTA Scheme
You can complete the process of applying for this SHRESHTA Scheme 2024 by following the following options.
- First of all you have to go to the official website of SHRESHTA Scheme 2024. After this the homepage of the website will open in front of you.

- On the homepage of the website, you have to click on “REGISTRATION FOR SHRESHTA 2024“, after that a new page will open in front of you.

- On this page, you have to click on “New Registration” then a new page will open in front of you, on which some instructions will be written, read them carefully.

- After reading the instructions, tick the checkbox that appears at the bottom and proceed by clicking on the link “Proceed”.

- After this a new application form will be displayed similar to yours. Important information asked on this application form such as name, father’s name, mother’s name, date of birth, gender, identity type, identification number, address, district, city, country, state, pin code, email address, mobile number Permanent address etc.
- After filling the above information, check the application form once again, after that upload the required documents as mentioned.
- After uploading these documents, submit the application form with the help of submit button, thus the application process will be completed.
View SHRESHTA Scheme 20244 Counseling Schedule
- First of all you have to go to the official website of SHRESHTA Scheme. Now the home page of the website will be displayed in front of you.
- On the homepage of the website, you have to click on the option “SHRESTHA Counseling 2024 Schedule (Updated on 8th June, 2024)” given under the candidate activity section.

- Now a new page will open on your screen again. On this new page, you have to click on the option of “view“.

- After this, the related information will be displayed in front of you in PDF format, which you can also download.
View Score card for SHRESHTA Scheme
- First of all you have to go to the official website of SHRESHTA Scheme. Now the home page of the website will be displayed in front of you.
- On the homepage of the website, you have to click on the option “Scorecard For SHRESHTA-NETS-2024” given under the candidate activity section.

- After this a new page will open again on your screen. On this new page, you will have to enter all the necessary information asked, such as:- Your application number, date of birth and security pin details.
- Now you have to click on the option of “Submit”, after which the required details will be displayed on your screen.
Procedure to Login To The Portal
- First of all you have to go to the official website of this SHRESHTA Scheme. After which its home page will be displayed in front of you.
- After the home page is opened in front, to register, click on the link “REGISTRATION FOR SHRESHTA 2024” after which a new page will open in front of you.

- On this new page a login form will appear in front of you, in which you will have to enter your application number, password and security pin and click on sign in given below.
- After clicking on sign in you will be login to this portal. By this process you will be able to login successfully.
Procedure to View Contact Details
- First you have to go to the official website of SHRESHTA Scheme. After this the homepage of the website will open in front of you.
- On the homepage of the website, you have to click on the “Contact Us” option. After this a new page will open in front of you.

- On the new page you can see the contact details by following the procedure as mentioned below.
Login to SHRESHTA Scheme
Candidates willing to login to the portal of SHRESHTA Scheme will have to follow the following guidelines: –
- First, the candidate has to visit the official website of SHRESHTA Scheme. Now the homepage of the official website will open in front of you.
- After this you have to click on the option of registration for SHRESHTA 2024 given on the homepage. Now a login form will be displayed in front of you.

- Now you have to enter all the details asked in this login form, such as:- Application number, password and security pin details carefully. After that, you have to click on the sign in option.
Procedure to View Contact Details
- First, the candidate has to visit the official website of SHRESHTA Scheme. Now the homepage of the official website will open in front of you.
- After this, you have to click on the Contact Us option given on the homepage. Now a new page will be displayed in front of you.

- Now you can see the contact details of SHRESHTA Scheme 2024 on this new page.